Any Day Start Setter for Habitica

by citrusella 💔 (version 2.0.0)

This is a third party tool for Habitica which can change your Custom Day Start (when your Habitica day "rolls over", the earliest time your account can run Cron) to any value supported by the API, even if the client you use does not support selecting that time. This tool was developed after seeing concerns in the Tavern from people who needed later Custom Day Start settings after the website removed the ability to select options later than 12 p.m.

This tool will not work in any version of Internet Explorer. (To cover all bases here: it also does not work in Internet Explorer mode in Microsoft Edge, though it works in Microsoft Edge outside of IE mode.)

As of version 2.0.0, this website is no longer being actively maintained and will not be fixed if bugs crop up, even if those bugs are unrelated to changes in Habitica's API. Version 2 of this website is also no longer licensed in a way that allows other users to fork and modify its code (its current license can be viewed here), though anyone could of course code a tool with similar functionality (or better!) from scratch, of course! These changes have been made due to ongoing issues regarding staff treatment of contributors since staff's firing of the volunteer moderation team in early December 2022.

Source code for this tool can be found at its Github repository.

Before using this tool, you should understand the following:


To start, go to [User Icon dropdown] > Settings > API and find your User ID and API token. Put the User ID and API token in the corresponding text boxes below. (This website only uses the UUID and API token to make the change and does not store any information.)

Then, pick the time you want to set your custom day start to and press "Change my Custom Day Start!"

After you send the change, a message will appear next to the change button indicating whether or not it was a success. All error messages are outlined in red, and the success message is outlined in green. The possible messages come directly from the information this site gets back from Habitica when you send the change: